story of the month

Silvia and Clara

Silvia and Clara

October’s story of the month is the story of Clara and Silvia, two sisters from SoCal.

Congrats on being selected for our story of the month! Tell us a bit about yourselves.

Clara: So we’re originally from Southern California, the burbs of Los Angeles. Now Silvia lives in NY working for a concert venue and I live in Boston and work in finance. I moved out here like 5 years ago and Silvia, always following me, came out to the East Coast like 2 years ago.

Silvia: Yeah, definitely a different scene over here, but I love it. Well, I don’t love the weather. Haven’t quite got used to it yet.

I don’t think anyone is used to it. People just tolerate it. Let’s dive in, tell us about your story!

Clara: Well Silvia and I weren’t all that close growing up. She was an annoying little sister who drove me crazy and always followed me around. When I was in the third grade and Silvia was in Kindergarten?

Silvia: Yeah, I was in Kindergarten. There were these two little boys who were in the second grade who loved to pick on me. Typical kid stuff. They loved to call me “Stupid Silvia” and cut me in the lunch line. Looking back they probably liked me or something. But either way, not okay.

Clara: Yeah, super not okay. At our school, the kindergarteners through second graders had lunch at the same time and the third through fifth graders had lunch right after. One day, I happened to be walking to lunch and I saw these kids picking on Silvia. So, I got out of the lunch line, walked over and told them if they didn’t leave her alone I would punch them in the face.

Silvia: She didn’t tell them, she yelled it. She can be super terrifying if she wants to be. She’s always been that way.

Clara: True. Either way, one of the boys piped up and said that he didn’t believe me and that he could call her “Stupid Silvia” if he wanted to. I raised my fist and threatened him again and he wasn’t going to back down and kept running his mouth. I was sick of hearing him, so I stood up tall and punched him right in the face.

Silvia: The boys ran away and then we hugged.

How did that make you feel, Silvia?

Silvia: I honestly couldn’t believe it. I never knew my sister liked me or even loved me until that moment. I felt so surprised, but so loved. It was the best.

Clara, how about you?

Clara: I think I was just as shocked as she was. I never did anything remotely bad, but I couldn’t let him make my little sister cry.

What happened afterward?

Clara: Well, I got detention, which meant I had to have our parents sign a letter. So when we went home, I had to tell my parents. My mom was cooking and my dad was in the kitchen with her and I was doing homework at the dinner table. I expected to be punished, but my dad ran to the dining room while shouting “That’s my girl!” and spun me around in a huge hug. My mom was laughing and got a little mad at him for cheering me on, but I never got punished or anything.

That’s amazing. Changing gears, Silvia, you got the print for Clara right?

Silvia: Yeah, I heard about storytold from a friend. Her fiance used storytold for their engagement story and it was so cute that I decided to submit a story and give to Clara for her birthday.

Clara: I cried like a baby.

We’re glad you’re happy with your story. Thanks for your time ladies. Congrats again on being selected for our story of the month!

Story of Silvia and Clara

To be chosen for a story of the month, simply complete your purchase. When our writers go through and write the stories, they nominate the ones their favorites for the story of the month. Check in next month to see if your story was picked!